Mit hjerte bløder!
De sidste dages overgreb på det palæstinensiske folk i Jerusalem bør og skal aktivt fordømmes af alle aktive arbejdere.
Endnu en gang kan verdenssamfundet se til, at den kriminelle stat Israel terroriserer vore palæstinensiske brødre og søstre.
Der er brug for handling, aktive arbejdere verden over må rejse deres støtte og solidaritet endnu en gang!
Now it is time to end this crime by the Israeli state.
Murersvendenes Brancheklub Nordjylland udtaler således til det modige og hårdt prøvede palæstinensiske folk:
Dear comrades, brother and sisters.
We extend our warm greetings and appreciation to you, as we salute you for your struggle against the Zionist occupation. Who wages a fierce attack against the Palestinian people.
We condemn and denounce the attack of the Israeli occupation forces and the settlers. For the people of Palestine. Especially the attacks that is happening now in Jerusalem against the people of Jerusalem in the Sheikh Jarrah area, as well as attacks on religious sanctities in Jerusalem.
As we stand by your side we also call on the international community to immediately intervene to stop these attacks against the Palestinian people.
We also call on the free people of the world to show solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Now it is time to end this crime by the Israeli state.
On be half of the brick layers branch club of north of Jutland
Emil Olsen.
Det koster penge at lave progressiv journalistik. Kun med din støtte kan Arbejderen fortsat udgive frit tilgængeligt journalistisk indhold af høj kvalitet.